Sunday, May 3, 2009
Im back....
hye back menulis....aku dah bergelar graduan....seronok2 mmg seronok,no more test,paper, thesis, project all shit masa jadi student duloo.
dah duduk umah..mmg mcm istana lar..semua ada....astro,internet,segala jenis ada...but yg aku rindu sgt2 skang...
Hommies,c1-1-7,tak nafi lar...i miss you guys a lot...adaihh....mcm kosong kehidupan aku skang nie....mencari kerja sangat lar susah dan penat...
aku pikir dlm2 semlm.....
adakah aku melakukan perkara yg betul selama nie?
adakah tindakan aku selama nie betul?
benar gak apa yg disebut2 org selama nie....semmcm aku udah merosakkan sebuah keluarga....
aku kan seorang yg "kalo aku nak ,aku akan dptkan" type...
haiya....malas lar nak pikir....
takziah utk principessa...semoga kamu kuat and tabah..confirm pasnie..kamu akan jadi lagi tabah n strong...may all ur wish come true....
utk boss...gut will become of the best UNITEN will the time you could fly by your own....i think i did a lot for will go and fight..take wuts rightfully yours
its yours.....
utk deadly miss you guys...saat manis semua....Fuhrer,Hess,Goebbles,Rommeln, Stauffenberg.....i miss all of you
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Lega..selega lanya...
lega..aku lega...
tinggal skit lagi masa aku...
umpama aku akan trus meninggalkan semuanya...
thankss....abih exam...
tepat 29 March, jam 12.00...merdeka aku dari segalanya...
politik kampus, dunia study, abih...
umpama putus arang...
Thank You....
p/s: im considering to take break from writing in ZEN for a while...probably its for all.....thanks
Friday, March 13, 2009
march tahun ini amat bermakna bagi aku...
pertama...bulan terakhir aku sebagai student...
4 tahun belajar degree...
ermm....dah penat, mahu kerja..mahu kejar kebahagian..
bulan ini juga bulan yg penuh dengan kerja2 dan perancangan,
w/pun project 2 gua dah setel last sem...
project techcomm baru setel selasa hari tue..
project lain banyak dalam kepala otak...
project ngn Fuhrer dan kerajaannya..
project ngn Hommies...
project ngn bestie,Nelson...
perghhh.....kena setelkan sebelum bergelar graduan...
ketiga..bulan yg penuh dgn besday..
ramai individu2 yang bermakna dalam hidup aku menyambut hari kelahiran mereka.
Mama yang tercinta dan tersayang...15 march nie..
aku tak dpt pulang...tapi aku akan rancangkan sesuatu utk mama ku..
mama..i love you so so so much...tanpa mama....wan takda kat sini,wan mungkin tak jadi wan yg skang....wan akan wat suprise utk mama..
Azam...adik lelaki ku, 22 march nie...heheh
bangga aku dgn adikku..dia akan bergelar PTD lebih awal dari aku...
azam..nnt abg akan bg hadiah yg terbaik utk ko...
huhu...balik umah nnt...tak lama pun..lagi 16 hari jer lagi..mmg lepak umah arr abg..
Fuhrer....26 march nie...huhuh yang nie mg kena prank giler babi nyer...
maka dengan ini aku ingin menyeru segala rakyat jelata UNITEN nie utk menyambut hari lahir beliau...boss,ketua,khalifah aku di UNITEN nie...hehe Sig heil...
jom jom..sila roger aku okay??
itu lar.antara individu2 yang bermakna yang lahir dalam bulan ini bagi aku selama ini.hehehe...
April pun ada gak..sabar2 utk post april nie akan best...Goering and Si Gadis salsa..jangan ingat kamu bley lari....tidak..kamu akan kena juga hatta dimana kamu berada L.I ker keja ker sekalipun...sampai lobang cacing,akan aku ratakan Melaya ini utk cari kamu
but March juga adalah bulan yang aku takut...
aku akan meninggalkan uniten ini...banyak kenangan,memori,suka duka aku disini...
hishhhh.....dan aku juga takut....
note : ada ramai lagi....tapi tak larat nak sebutkan..panjang nnt...but anyway..hepi besday tp all my fren yg lahir bulan march....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Pre Nuremberg Council 3
hari ini,hari yg agk santai bagiku dan sesetengah yg lain.
Goebbles masih bertungkus lumus dengan coding-coding keramat tuk dpt A dalam CommSys and Micro-P serta Random.
Hess baru setel satu paper final..hehe..semangat jawab final, tertinggal rokok,perghhh hebat siyalll, kuar dewan, faktap pasal rokok takder,lantas dengan sepantas kilat cari rokok, Suria plak tue.
ReichMarschall Goering..mcm biaser bangun awal,setelkan semua perkara...balik umah dalam midday, cari aku yg sedang enak dibuai mimpi.."Weihh..makan-makan, Ikan Keli bakar panggil"
Fuhrer...ermm..takley ckp byk2 nnt takut dia claim aku penaja Valkyrie,guling and plan assasinate dier..kui kui, tapi okay lar...
pas makan dlm area kol 2, Goering called aku..."weih amik aku kat Selaman, keta aku servis baikkkkknya". Aku pun okay lar....member nyer pasal, kena hormat, dia boss aku, maka aku drive lar dier ke BA.
Sesampai di BA, terjumpa kat Fuhrer dan boss-boss lain, depa nak wat shooting bideo korporat UNITEN..kui kui, tak bley blah, depa kena berlakon tahap dewa nyer berlakom.
Abis sesi di BA,aku ajk Fuhrer,Goering dan the rest of the HQ gi StarBucks for chilling,hehehe....layan gak arr... Goebbles,Hess,aku (Himmler), Fuhrer,Goering dan Principessa...maka Pre NurCo convened...lepak2 chilling...sgt best...
Monday, March 9, 2009
bergelak ketawa, berlari mengejar,
memegang telur dan tepung...
menyambut hari lahir seseorang...
thanks..kepada semua...
Fuhrer, Goering and Hess....ada sama...
menyerang dgn senjata masing-masing..
aku tewas, tewas apabila diakali oleh shah dan alip...
takper2..hari ni ko selamat, tapi esok masih ada...
thanks to sahabat2 n adik2 muadzam...
all of you rocks..
aku baru abih karok ngn Hess, Goering dan ZaMM...
dah lama tak karok ngn best...
dah janji lama...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
twisted mind,the old habit back again...argghhhhh..(updated)
hohoho....but anyway..its nice, like always, new ideas, vision and crazy stuffs, we discussed and chilled.
Like always, Fuhrer chair the council, the other council members who attend were Reichmarschall Georing, Hess, and me....the rest, we still trying to figure out their code name if they achieve the level of C1-1-7,
Few new things that might attract a lot of student t involve has been developed, Fuhrer really want this visionary quest to be done for the sake of all UNITEN student. Now i really believe without any single doubt that he is one of the most charismatic leader that i ever serve...its an honor to serve you my Fuhrer...Sid Heil, Sid Heil... very proud of him, one of the most prolific executer and thinker in UNITEN's politics,
well...which part that im twisted....i dunno how to share it wif you...since my secondary school, i always help others to achieve their dream and didnt once running through my head to chase it for my own....demm, its like i was born to make others hepi rather than myself...sacrifices a lot so that i could see other people smile....
enuf....i dun want that kind of feelings anymore....plizz....its time for me to chase my dream n love, plizz....situations, help me, dun pour me with this twisted mind and thinking, its over....i want for my self, i made a promise..ill see that smile once more...anything just want to see that sincere smile once more...ill wait if it takes me long time...just that one smile....a smile where i could smile back and be hepi....together forever
p/s: So che vi sono sconvolti e arrabbiato, Baby.... Vorrei fare di tutto per farvi sorridere ancora, il sorriso mi dà speranza e l'energia a sopravvivere a questa poco tempo abbiamo insieme. 18% Forse non molto, ma la sua preziosa per me, probabilmente che 18 non è per me, non mi interessa.... ma mi manchi già, mi sono innamorato di te
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Im afraid ive been deceive by people around me...
i dunno why probably they did that...
because they afraid of me??
they afraid that im going to be mad...
because they pity me??
they pity me coz they dun wanna see me sad and depressed..
because they love me??
they love and they dun wanna see me mad and crazy..
why?? it the word "Honesty" created by the Almighty for us so that we are not having this feelings and doubt.
im afraid,im loss....all sudden, thinking, assessing...its all full with doubt, irregularities...arghhhh...
why and why???
its all clear.........crystal clear.....irregularities already been straighten up, any doubts has been unfold...
no need to pity me, just say it...its more easier and help a lot
Monday, March 2, 2009
so little time i have
but too little time to chat,
in exactly one month... i will try to finish it..
so that ill not regretting it in the future,
but i dun know...everything seems unclear and become fuzzy..
let time goes by and we hope and we pray...
until its become true, true....
Saturday, February 28, 2009
HQ, Hommies, "Be strong"...
Boley tahan gak aku merapu dalam sebulan nie, banyak gak post yg aku dah wat dalam masa sebulan nie. Hommies nyer blog banyak bantu aku, Hess mcm biaser, super IT specialist in our HQ, dia yg paling banyak decoratekan page aku, maklumlah aku nie buta IT. koh koh...

Fuhrer bukak upacara (dari kiri:Hess,Von Stauffenberg,Fuhrer,Rommeln,Goebbles)


File 01: Sesi makan berjemaah diketuai oleh Fuhrer
semlm aku ke alamanda, mencari barang...hohoho,bayar bil sekali, Fuhrer suh bayarkan...adoyaiiii...Fuhrer and Goering sibuk minggu nie, all i can say, except me and Hess, all suffered a hectic all the best to our council.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hitler: Rise Of Evil
so, back to the story tonite, after finish downloading, Goebbles shared to us. So Goering, Hess and Goebbles himself and me enjoy it until Subuh.
The movie its good. we finished both part,all in one shot,one after another. All of us want to know, how actually Hitler came to power and the influence,charisma. not a fascist, but most people that i have chance to discuss about leadership, Hitler is for them, one of the most charismatic leaders in history. forget about what he did bad in the WWII, but his speeches, how he could capture, thousands and millions of Deutscher, old and younger generations.
to bad, our fuhrer got class early in this morning, otherwise he could joined us, Rommeln also couldnt join, again with the 8.00 am class....ive seen his movie twice before this, i know which part i like the most. "Deutschland, Deutschland...ueber alles,ueber alles sind den Welt", i like that scene the most.
okay...enuf until now...i need to Solat...
p/s : Mi manchi, mi manchi, mi manchi.... Grazie per la nostra discussione in SMS, non sarò mai dimenticare che, come ho detto prima, ho amore tutti voi, ma lei e lui sono i più..... grazie Baby..
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Nuremberg Council 2,Give me Chance....
we discussed so many things, regarding everythings within our reach and imaginations...yuk yuk, but anyway (credit to Fuhrer again), it was quite positive, we came out with a lots of ideas and criticsm, in a proper manner....its was a good nite. Plus...Das Autos den Fuhrer is so nice, newly black tinted(again credit to Abg Gradnite, kanesh)...nampak agak Mob's car eventho its just a Kancil(putih plak tue, koh koh).
After the council adjourned, me and Goering had a long chat until Subuh, just a final touch up regarding his life, my life, his passion, my interest. It was a nice session...(who said guys cannot have a pillow talk, but us its very in manly way okay).
After Subuh prayer, Goering staright went for his dream, we tried to wake up the Fuhrer, huhuu,
lip lap lip lap, i just only have around 1 and half month life as a student, shittt....hate it, the past 4 years was the best moment i exp in my life, but it will end soon, another lip lap lip lap, that time will occurs, and i know ive made a lot of mistakes and pissed a lot of peoples...i know i am jack ass if you sees me like that, and for that i would like to say sorry and apologise to all. ( demm its kinda sentimental but i know i need it, sowie for what i did before this)
Some say to me that im too old to live in student life, my thoughts and idea are too radical and totally unadaptable with this university's way of life, and for that same reasons, up until now, i dunno the meaning of love,like, care and share...yeahh...last nite with Goering's session, he told me everything, with my dear sis, Niss..she also said the same, not all can cope with my views,its like no fun and fantasy at all....the best of all, Fuhrer also sumtime urge me to use the NLP and Flexibility, coz he looks at me as Yes or No person, no love and care at all, to obsess with result,profit and success...
Thanks Fuhrer, Goering and Niss...thank you very much...i know im a jackass a bit, give me chance to ractify it. For those who sees me like that...give me chance and believe in me that i can do it...plizzz..i dun wanna lose you guys...all of you are on my utmost love and important...without you, probably im not what i am now....
p/s: So che sono talvolta Heartless, possibilità è tutto ho bisogno ora, mi offrono possibilità di dimostrare me
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sowie..tadak post yg baru...
semua hommies sibuk...
dalam kepala aku hanya nak submit sebanyak mungkin resume esok..
pening2...yuk yuk
p/s: Baby... So che lei stanco, so che lei lavorare molto, mi sono sempre al vostro fianco, io sarò sempre appoggio, essere forte, si può ovviare, dopo avere completato tutto, si può andare per i gelati e ciambella... ho promessa
Sunday, February 22, 2009
tagged by pacat@Aura
1. lately jiwang
2. dewa karok a.k.a God of karaoke (pantang ajk,sure gi hatta demam sekalipung)
3. part-time dewa gunung (lagi 2 gunung,khatam G-7,pastue kembang arr)
4. flexible dlm makan (janji halal dan bersih, setelnya)
5. Penggila kari kepala ikan
6. the best IT system developer in UNITEN and KLIUC some said UPM
7. akan wat business halal yang baikkkkkkkkkk punya
8. Butcher of Krakow
9. Still Loving You and Right Here Waiting For YOu adalah lagu kesukaanya...upss tak lupa Aku lah Kekasihmu dari AXL
10. pernah masuk wad semasa in milion cases
saya mau tag Fuhrer and Rommeln
Samstag,postpone council,The wrath of Reichmarschall
Aku bangun kira2 jam 12.00 tgh, terus tanya, "What are we having for lunch??"
Goebbles bingkas keluar dari biliknya, "Dengan sukacitanya dimaklumkan aku dan Hess sudah order makanan lunch menggunakan perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh sahabat Amed, dan disini dukacitanya dimaklumkan yang anda Himmler masih tido dan kami malas nak kaco dan tamay amik order"
aku dengar trus bermonolog "Deng, caner nie, takper2 Fuhrer ada kat luar minta dia tapaukan"
" home n***a, gyeaaa" Fuhrer baru sampai..
demm, baru nak text, dia dah sampai. Aiseh fuhrer nie betul luck lar...
so aku pun mandi2,bersiap apa yg patut,laksanakan tanggungjawab mana yg patut, basuh baju, jemur semua complete package lar. pas abis semua aku pinjam kuda Goebbles gi beli nasi...
petang tue around 4.00 pm, Fuhrer gi jumpa family dia, Goering habaq mai nak dtg, okay arr tue...hehehe, aku plak ingat nak cadang kat Fuhrer utk adakan Nuremberg Council 2 kat RnR 2. Our future clan member Von Stauffenberg pun semangat gak....tapi, Fuhrer ckp postpone, dia nak study a.k.a ulangkaji (study lar sgt, reversion menembak utk praktikal piantball gunakan aplikasi Battlefield 1942)..wakakaka
time dinner Fuhrer ajk gi RnR satu, Hess, Goebbles, aku agree...Rommeln mcm biaser jaga HQ,hehehe...kami chill lepak2 minum tunggu Goering sampai...lama gak lar..ada lar sedikit dicussion mengenai apa saja yg terlintas dlm otak kami. Nak balik, Goering dpt (code name : Principessa) ajk mengasah bakat seni suara. Memula tak jadi nak gi, dlm otw balik kampus...aku tanya Principessa betul ker??..dia ckp nak lepas aku ajk Hess, Hess ckp on (respek sama Hess, makan roti jer isi perut, tapi nyanyi mantap...Richard Marc kowt)...we all chilled than balik umah tido.
To Goering : Sowie really sowie,next time kita gi lagi...decide pun lambat..hohoho, i love you dude, it will not happen again, promise
p/s : Baby, mi è piaciuto il canto sessione. È stato un grande notte. non essere così Naughty. So che lei piace la mia ridicolo sogno. Huhu, ma non posso non apprezzano. spendere tempo con voi mi dà luce e di speranza. Ora mi manca ancora di più.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Shyrazzi, Bil, Project Techcomm
so far hari nie tiada perkara besar berlaku, sesudah solat subuh aku lelapkan mata, dan bangun dalam kira2 kol 11.15 pg. Matahari sudah memancar walaupun masih belum terik, tapi kehangatan boleh dirasai di betis dan kaki ku kerana itu sahaja bahagian tubuhku tidak terlindung oleh tirai bilikku...
maka aku pun bangun, suasana di HQ masih sunyi...Hess terbaring di depan atas magic carpet HQ kami, baring depan laptop kesayangannya, Goebbles ada kelas di sebelah pagi, ketika aku bangun, dia dah sambung tido nyenyak, Rommeln mcm biaser, diatas tilam dan begitu rapat sekali bola boling barunya. Goering pula tiada, Reichmarschall terpaksa melaporkan diri ke rumahnya...dan mcm biaser unserer Fuhrer juga nyenyak.
Aku kena kejutkan Fuhrer, kalo dia tak bangun,mmg sah akan terlepas, maka bangun lar beliau dengan buffer mode menginginkan cafein. Tah mcmaner aku rajin plak, watkan aku satu dia satu...buffer2 fuhrer nie nampak nescafe dier n dunhill terus segar....
pas solat jumaat di masjid, aku bergerak ke Cheras bersama rakan2 project techcomm utk wat kajian dan temubual dengan org kuat, org sampah DBKL..nasib ada member pemandu teksi, kalo tak mmg tak sampai lar...mcm biaser aku kena initiate perbualan, tapi skang..member2 project aku semua mantap2...aku bangga jadi group mate mereka.
Balik dari Cheras..ajk fuhrer bayar bil kat alamanda, aku pun call apple tanya samaada dia inginkan donut kesukaannya, dia tanak and dia sibuk, tetapi apple ada minta aku dahulukan utk bil dia plak...takda masalah, boley jer. Aku, Fuhrer and Hess saja ke alamanda...Fuhrer baru tinted kilat putih dia (credit to kanesh for Grad Nite), mmg cantik lar, tapi selalu kena ingat oleh Hess supaya jangan turunkan tingkap, hampir 10 kali gak lar dengar Hess sound dari belakang, tetapi Fuhrer tewas gak....hahahaha..punya mengamuk dia tadi..memaki2 sapa tah..i dun care...
sampai bilik, tak sampai 15 minit, sahabat baik aku masa wat A-Level di Shah Alam, turun melawat aku. Dia baru mendarat dari Deutschland semlm..rindu sgt2 ngn dia nie..partner in crime masa kat shah alam. Banyak memori....mcm2 mender legal, illegal,insane,sarcastic buat ngn dier and others...banyak sangat..kang panjang sgt post nie...but anyway(credit to Fuhrer-taglinie dier nie) we spent talking and chatting, joined together our fren yg senasib, UNITEN student was marvelous...hehehe
nnt sambung lagi...
p/s : Baby, la tua sono è con me, più tardi darò a voi. La nostra conversazione sulla tua Mock intervista è molto bello. Mi piace, e spero, si può trascorrere il tempo insieme qualcosa in più. Mi manchi
Friday, February 20, 2009
Vi ringraziamo...
mi manca il nostro passato conversazione..
abbiamo parlato, abbiamo Chat,
BABY.... grazie, anche se era piccolo..
mi ha dato Luce,
mi ha dato speranza...
Vi ringraziamo Baby...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
What A Wunderbarr Night
Im going to conquer the world,
Hitler's style,Churchill's style, Mahathir's Style...
Im going to combine it,
Im not going to back down,
Im not going to lose,
People will bet on me lose,
and They will lose big,
Im not going to roll over and die,
Im going to be succeed, Im not going to fail...
I will win, I will triumph,
I will show the world my capabilities...
Im going to be somebody
Mittwoch in Unsere HQ,
huhuh, pagi nie mmg menarik, aku, Goering, and Fuhrer himself ada kelas kol 12.00. Aku deciced utk malas nak gerak ke kelas Komunikasi Teknikal, i decided to go PCI, so bley jumpa shahmi utk amik kad jemputan kawin my fren and mentor andok...21 march 2009 kat cheneh..
abih kelas, kol 2.00p.m gi makan kat upten, keli bakar selera 60-an dah abis, so aku amik ikan jaket jer lar, layan mmg layan, lepak ngn Radin, after a while, JB and Modi sampai...congratz to JB pasal dpt Amcop utk L.I,
sampai2 bilik, aku terkejut, nyaris nak maki LCD gue yang besar berharga mahal itu hilang, Mofo betul,wahahaha, Tetiba..
Hess jerit " weihh..nie hah LCD ko, punya gedabak, ko main masuk je tak sedar langsung, WTF?"
Goebbles sambut "Demmit,punya besar, penat jer aku recommend kat ko duloo, sendiri tak sedar"
Rommeln yang gigih wat lab report trus," beli jer tau, kenal nyer idak"
dalam hati aku ber monolog " demmit kena lagi aku,wakakaka"
aku lepak ngn Hess kat luar, dia ngah pakai LCD gue utk menembak masalah yg berlaku yg server intra siswa2 kita. Goering mai...dengan muka kepenatan, banyak sgt keja.
Goering bersuara " dude, kol 4, upten, jumpa Fuhrer, banyak mender baik nie"
Hess bersuara, " aku kebetulan mmg dah lapar, jomm..Goering ko belanja lar"
aku segera menjerit " Im second to that motion"
next story mlm nie.....
Heil Fuhrer
Nak Tido, tapi guling-guling, trying, but still payah....
around 9.30 aku sampai ke HQ dari satu perjumpaan...
di tangan aku, ada Caramel Coffee, Starbucks. dan aku masuk ke dalam HQ, Fuhrer ngah ada depan laptop, menonton kisah seorang pencipta, Hess mcm biaser terbaring depan laptopnya, Goering ada dlm bilik aku, surf the net, Goebbles pun dalam bilik, mengadap PC.
Aku terus ke bilik Fuhrer, lepak2 sambil menikmati Coffee Starbucks itu, hohoho, nak Big Apple gak, tapi kedudukan ekonomi aku yang memerlukan pakej rangsangan kewangan pada hari khamis nie dari Bank yang aku puja dan sayang sgt2, Ayah and Mama Bank.
okay...sampainya aku dirumah tadi, aku just lepak ngn Fuhrer dan Goering, we talked,discuss like always, pastu kitorg decide layan Gurukhan Dessai, a hindi story yang ada message pekat dan berbaloi utk di tontoni oleh semua yang inginkan kejayaan muktamad dalam hidup masing2...
Then kita masuk the real deal now, aku nak try tido awal....just wanna adapt what Mein Fuhrer asked "Flexibilty"..arghhhhh...payah sungguh, terguling-guling aku atas tilam, mengadap kanan, beralih ke kiri, bantal di muka, duduk melihat pemandangan COIT di luar...adoyaiiii..
then aku kuar,hampir berjam gak aku begitu, aku lihat Pre Nuremberg Council tengah bersidang, Fuhrer, Goering, Goebbles, Hess di Magic Carpet HQ, Rommeln plakk ngah wat Lab Report sambil memaki-maki virus-virus yang menelan hasil usahanya.
aku tanya fuhrer, "dude, demmit than caramel starbucks, i cannot sleep"
Fuhrer said, "well dude, its starbucks"
i replied back," All this thing because of you, you introduced me that drink"
Fuhrer come back with a smile, " Actually, the starbucks guy introduced it, i just bringing you to that place"
Arghhhh...shit, always he got a good comeback, wakakaka and suddenly Fuhrer open his mouth again, " This is not coz by the Caramel but ******"
i reply, "shit"
Goering looked at me and smile, " dude, just dun think of it"
i reply to the Reichmarschall. " You know it better than me"
Goering smile again, " Dun be so stingy, lend it"
i looked at him and, " You know it better than me, wahahahhaha"
Fuhrer at the back all sudden make an announcement, more to a toast actually, " To the HQ, Hommies and Hepiness for all of us"
then...i can go to sleep and it almost 5a.m
Monday, February 16, 2009
Wut A Chill Night
my prev post ada sebut pasal how shit my mind aite??
well...i went out to premis kopi yg berdekatan utk rileks,
clear my mind, trying to understand the level of shitness,
hahaha...ajk fuhrer sekali, danke schon mein fuhrer.. far that i understand...flexibility is very important...
thats it...danke schon noch einmal mein fuhrer...
i think everythin is clear..and hopefully can start my day tomorrow with a bang...
Heil fuhrer
Nuremberg Council
Nuremberg Council (NurCo) akan diadakan pada masa hadapan selepas kejayaan Nuremberg Council 1 di RnR 2, Fuhrer sangat2 hepi....aku pun hepi...wakakaka
So..kepada Goering, Goebbles,Hess,Rommeln, mebe kita akan terima satu lagi ahli, code name Stauffenberg, decide masa Nuremberg Council 2(NurCo 2) sama ada Stauffenberg akan join ke tidak, recommendation kepada Fuhrer dah dibuat....Our Fuhrer seems okay but democratic decision is important...
hehehe,agenda seterusnya Fuhrer kita akn bgtau nnt...
Heil Fuhrer
my prev post saying i love monday aite?? for real i love monday, but sumthin just happen today really made me thinking...
i walked to my car to go to class, when i was in the car and ready to go, put on some andrea bocelli,yeah thats it, now i realized, now i know wut happen in past few months, i said to myself "shit, it cannot be real". At that time i can saw tiny version of myself, one a golden ring floating in his head and all white, and another one full blood red with twin horn and i dunno how many tails (Kyuubi i think)
Both of them discussing bout that matter, shit...ive been thinking it hard started from last nite, it kinda spoil a perfekt night with Hess and the sistas, sowie dear sis, i really enjoyed it but this small shit kept me thinking, WTF just happen to me.
so i decided not to go to my class and go straight to KL for some Sapere Aude, but last week Pahlawan Naga Kembar masih tak beli,shit, i diverted my direction to serdang and bought it and straight to BM and went to Economic......class,hahaha, one word to describe today's class, NGANTOK...
after class, kuar minum ngn Mr. SBudin, my uncle,fren,mentor...dah lama tak kuar ngn dier, well it was a nice TTS with him, discuss wut happen. Goering drop by for TTS gak...we chilled and Rommeln also joined us. Both of my comrades ada commitment lain pas tue, and aku terus ke bilik utk mencari ketenangan....tido, but the matter thats made me feel like hell still not setel yet, Confused, Keliru, Kusut...nah three best words to describe it....
but in our HQ hari nampak best. Fuhrer woke up early and went to class, Goering overnight at HQ and just few minutes a go went to Kajang for sending some letters(hopefully not the final solution order,wakakak)
Hess like always, terbaring and depan laptop, currently with his personal, main2 project for his own usage later in Aura
Goebles right now main PC and ubat laptop, Rommeln jangan tanya..masih seronok dibuai mimpi dan terkenangkan bola boling barunya...
well..for me i love Monntag,
Hang out with one of the Goebbles and The Sisters
so...bergeraklah kami bertiga ke arah HQ keluarga The Sisters di South Lake City, sampai2 the big sista ngah mkn, kena tunggu, ingatkan litle snow nak tunggu jer kat bawah,demm dia pun join mkn gak, alang2 sampai umah, kalo tak naik, salam the lady of the house, jatuh hukum durhaka plak,hoyoo...
so all the sisters ada,maka bertolak lah kami ke McD tepi highway arah selatan, dah lama tak kena double cheese burger ngan pacat n adik2 aku tue...quite nice kira mcm komuniti tenaga intelek gak lar...hehehe, then cari masen,huhu masen n apple yang baru sampai, ada kat RnR 1, maka berjumpa lah kami...
seronok gak, masen adalah Reichmarschall HQ kami, hehehe..agak romantis apa yg Goering kami wat utk bidadarinya yang bak kata pacat n nissie, tabik spring salute,guling2 siap, a...salute dude,salute....
then kami bertolak ke tempat berlatihnya suara2 emas dan garau di was a nice session, we love it, proses pembaptisan litle snow yang tak pernah berkarok selesai, beliau memulakan acara dengan lagu Sakura, cayalah sis...penutup sesi, pacat and Richard Marc mmg sinonim,hahaha...
dalam perjalanan balik selepas drop the big sista, Siamo andati a Burger box per il neonato Lucky cena, speriamo che avrà una buona notte dormire e piacevole sogno, non ho potuto vedere la sua infelice... niente per lei(sowie dude hehehhe sajer)
and sampai umah,tido
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Operation Walküre

all of us gerak dari our HQ di Cendi guna 2 biji keta, satu keta masen, our General Ludwig Beck and keta our henchman Lieutenant Werner Von Haeften...sampai2 we all beli tiket movie Valkyrie. kemudian lepak minum sampai masuk panggung...
semua tertanya2,cita nie best ker tidak?? Our henchman siap nak nengok cita lain, some hommies yang kami gelarkan the goebbles siap ckp please arr jangan sampah...wahahaha, fuhrer ckp just tengok,akan puas hati, yup. he is right,turn out,kami sangat puas dan terikut2 style,gaya and semangat Valkyrie.
abih kami lepak kat RnR 2, sangat layan, we had an intellectual discussion (credit to Masen-Komuniti Tenaga Intelek) regarding everything and anythin, the movie, each problems, our HQ problems such as ayam tak cukup, nescafe dah abis semua....mmg nice
balik..semua tido puas dan puas and puas.
P/s : Vi auguro erano qui con noi tutti, noi vi amano, noi sosteniamo voi, miei Baby fortunato
Vivo Per Lei, miei Baby fortunato
Vivo per lei da quando sai
la prima volta l'ho incontrata,
non mi ricordo come mai
mi è entrata dentro e c'è restata.
Vivo per lei perché mi fa
vibrare forte l'anima,
vivo per lei e non è un peso.
Vivo per lei anch'io lo sai
e tu non esserne geloso,
lei è di tutti quelli che
hanno un bisogno sempre acceso,
come uno stereo in camera,
di chi è da solo e adesso sa,
che è anche per lui, per questo
io vivo per lei.
E' una musa che ci invita
a sfiorarla con le dita,
attraverso un pianoforte
la morte è lontana,
io vivo per lei.
Vivo per lei che spesso sa
essere dolce e sensuale,
a volte picchia in testa ma
è un pugno che non fa mai male.
Vivo per lei lo so mi fa
girare di città in città,
soffrire un po' ma almeno io vivo.
E' un dolore quando parte.
Vivo per lei dentro gli hotels.
Con piacere estremo cresce.
Vivo per lei nel vortice.
Attraverso la mia voce
si espande e amore produce.
Vivo per lei nient'altro ho
e quanti altri incontrerò
che come me hanno scritto in viso:
io vivo per lei.
Io vivo per lei
sopra un palco o contro ad un muro...
Vivo per lei al limite.
... anche in un domani duro.
Vivo per lei al margine.
Ogni giorno
una conquista,
la protagonista
sarà sempre lei.
Vivo per lei perché oramai
io non ho altra via d'uscita,
perché la musica lo sai
davvero non l'ho mai tradita.
Vivo per lei perché mi dà
pause e note in libertà
Ci fosse un'altra vita la vivo,
la vivo per lei.
Vivo per lei la musica.
Io vivo per lei.
Vivo per lei è unica.
Io vivo per lei.
Io vivo per lei.
Io vivo
per lei.
I Live For Her
I live for her, you know, since
the first time I met her.
I do not remember how, but
she entered within me and stayed there.
I live for her because she makes
my soul vibrate so strongly.
I live for her and it is not a burden.
I live for her always
She who tears me or she who is tender
She draws us, after the love,
A bow in the sky in our room
She is music and some days
when my heart is too heavy
She is the only one able to help
She is a muse who invites us
She will always live in me
Through a piano
death remains far away;
I live for her.
I live for her day after day
When her covenants in me are found
It is my more beautiful history of love
It is a blow that never hurts.
I live for her. I know she makes me
travel from town to town
and suffer a little, but at least I live.
I will be lost without her
I live in hotels for her.
I am sad and I call her
I live for her in the vortex.
Through my voice
it expands and produces love.
I live for her, I have nothing else,
and how many others I shall meet
who, like me, have written on their faces
"I live for her."
I live for her
on a dais or against a wall...
She resembles us you see
...also in a harsh tomorrow.
I finally exist I know why
Every day
a conquest;
the protagonist
will always be her.
I live for her because now
I have no other way out,
because, you know, music
is something I have truly never betrayed.
She is music, she has wings
She gave me the key to the sky
That finally opens the gates of the sun
I live for her
I live for her, music.
I live for her.
I live for her, she is unique.
I live for her.
I live for her.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
per voi...
perché ho sempre al vostro fianco,
attraverso tutti che venire a voi,
credo che lei sono forti,
credo che lei sono una donna,
ho sempre al vostro fianco,
sempre comfort,
sempre proteggere voi,
miei Baby fortunato
Cerchiamo di essere forti insieme,
cerchiamo di essere felici tutti insieme,
attraverso tutti,
attraverso tutti