Saturday, March 21, 2009

Lega..selega lanya...

Thanks....thanks sgt2...
lega..aku lega...
tinggal skit lagi masa aku...
umpama aku akan trus meninggalkan semuanya...

thankss....abih exam...
tepat 29 March, jam 12.00...merdeka aku dari segalanya...

politik kampus, dunia study, abih...
umpama putus arang...

Thank You....

p/s: im considering to take break from writing in ZEN for a while...probably its for all.....thanks

Friday, March 13, 2009


March ada bulan yg menarik..
march tahun ini amat bermakna bagi aku...

pertama...bulan terakhir aku sebagai student...
4 tahun belajar degree...
ermm....dah penat, mahu kerja..mahu kejar kebahagian..

bulan ini juga bulan yg penuh dengan kerja2 dan perancangan,
w/pun project 2 gua dah setel last sem...
project techcomm baru setel selasa hari tue..

project lain banyak dalam kepala otak...
project ngn Fuhrer dan kerajaannya..
project ngn Hommies...
project ngn bestie,Nelson...

perghhh.....kena setelkan sebelum bergelar graduan...

ketiga..bulan yg penuh dgn besday..
ramai individu2 yang bermakna dalam hidup aku menyambut hari kelahiran mereka.


Mama yang tercinta dan tersayang...15 march nie..
aku tak dpt pulang...tapi aku akan rancangkan sesuatu utk mama ku..
mama..i love you so so so much...tanpa mama....wan takda kat sini,wan mungkin tak jadi wan yg skang....wan akan wat suprise utk mama..

Azam...adik lelaki ku, 22 march nie...heheh
bangga aku dgn adikku..dia akan bergelar PTD lebih awal dari aku...
azam..nnt abg akan bg hadiah yg terbaik utk ko...
huhu...balik umah nnt...tak lama pun..lagi 16 hari jer lagi..mmg lepak umah arr abg..

Fuhrer....26 march nie...huhuh yang nie mg kena prank giler babi nyer...
maka dengan ini aku ingin menyeru segala rakyat jelata UNITEN nie utk menyambut hari lahir beliau...boss,ketua,khalifah aku di UNITEN nie...hehe Sig heil...
jom jom..sila roger aku okay??

itu lar.antara individu2 yang bermakna yang lahir dalam bulan ini bagi aku selama ini.hehehe...

April pun ada gak..sabar2 utk post april nie akan best...Goering and Si Gadis salsa..jangan ingat kamu bley lari....tidak..kamu akan kena juga hatta dimana kamu berada L.I ker keja ker sekalipun...sampai lobang cacing,akan aku ratakan Melaya ini utk cari kamu

but March juga adalah bulan yang aku takut...
aku akan meninggalkan uniten ini...banyak kenangan,memori,suka duka aku disini...
hishhhh.....dan aku juga takut....

note : ada ramai lagi....tapi tak larat nak sebutkan..panjang nnt...but anyway..hepi besday tp all my fren yg lahir bulan march....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pre Nuremberg Council 3

hari ini,hari yg agk santai bagiku dan sesetengah yg lain.

Goebbles masih bertungkus lumus dengan coding-coding keramat tuk dpt A dalam CommSys and Micro-P serta Random.

Hess baru setel satu paper final..hehe..semangat jawab final, tertinggal rokok,perghhh hebat siyalll, kuar dewan, faktap pasal rokok takder,lantas dengan sepantas kilat cari rokok, Suria plak tue.

ReichMarschall Goering..mcm biaser bangun awal,setelkan semua perkara...balik umah dalam midday, cari aku yg sedang enak dibuai mimpi.."Weihh..makan-makan, Ikan Keli bakar panggil"

Fuhrer...ermm..takley ckp byk2 nnt takut dia claim aku penaja Valkyrie,guling and plan assasinate dier..kui kui, tapi okay lar...

pas makan dlm area kol 2, Goering called aku..."weih amik aku kat Selaman, keta aku servis baikkkkknya". Aku pun okay lar....member nyer pasal, kena hormat, dia boss aku, maka aku drive lar dier ke BA.

Sesampai di BA, terjumpa kat Fuhrer dan boss-boss lain, depa nak wat shooting bideo korporat UNITEN..kui kui, tak bley blah, depa kena berlakon tahap dewa nyer berlakom.

Abis sesi di BA,aku ajk Fuhrer,Goering dan the rest of the HQ gi StarBucks for chilling,hehehe....layan gak arr... Goebbles,Hess,aku (Himmler), Fuhrer,Goering dan Principessa...maka Pre NurCo convened...lepak2 chilling...sgt best...

Monday, March 9, 2009


Aku rindu pada keseronokkan itu...
bergelak ketawa, berlari mengejar,
memegang telur dan tepung...
menyambut hari lahir seseorang...

thanks..kepada semua...
Fuhrer, Goering and Hess....ada sama...
menyerang dgn senjata masing-masing..
aku tewas, tewas apabila diakali oleh shah dan alip...
takper2..hari ni ko selamat, tapi esok masih ada...

thanks to sahabat2 n adik2 muadzam...
all of you rocks..

aku baru abih karok ngn Hess, Goering dan ZaMM...
dah lama tak karok ngn best...
dah janji lama...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

twisted mind,the old habit back again...argghhhhh..(updated)

Wut a night, pre-NurCo ada jap ada beberapa pemerhati,
hohoho....but anyway..its nice, like always, new ideas, vision and crazy stuffs, we discussed and chilled.

Like always, Fuhrer chair the council, the other council members who attend were Reichmarschall Georing, Hess, and me....the rest, we still trying to figure out their code name if they achieve the level of C1-1-7,

Few new things that might attract a lot of student t involve has been developed, Fuhrer really want this visionary quest to be done for the sake of all UNITEN student. Now i really believe without any single doubt that he is one of the most charismatic leader that i ever serve...its an honor to serve you my Fuhrer...Sid Heil, Sid Heil... very proud of him, one of the most prolific executer and thinker in UNITEN's politics,

well...which part that im twisted....i dunno how to share it wif you...since my secondary school, i always help others to achieve their dream and didnt once running through my head to chase it for my own....demm, its like i was born to make others hepi rather than myself...sacrifices a lot so that i could see other people smile....

enuf....i dun want that kind of feelings anymore....plizz....its time for me to chase my dream n love, plizz....situations, help me, dun pour me with this twisted mind and thinking, its over....i want for my self, i made a promise..ill see that smile once more...anything just want to see that sincere smile once more...ill wait if it takes me long time...just that one smile....a smile where i could smile back and be hepi....together forever

p/s: So che vi sono sconvolti e arrabbiato, Baby.... Vorrei fare di tutto per farvi sorridere ancora, il sorriso mi dà speranza e l'energia a sopravvivere a questa poco tempo abbiamo insieme. 18% Forse non molto, ma la sua preziosa per me, probabilmente che 18 non è per me, non mi interessa.... ma mi manchi già, mi sono innamorato di te

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Im so afraid now...
Im afraid ive been deceive by people around me...
i dunno why probably they did that...


because they afraid of me??
they afraid that im going to be mad...

because they pity me??
they pity me coz they dun wanna see me sad and depressed..

because they love me??
they love and they dun wanna see me mad and crazy..

why?? it the word "Honesty" created by the Almighty for us so that we are not having this feelings and doubt.

im afraid,im loss....all sudden, thinking, assessing...its all full with doubt, irregularities...arghhhh...
why and why???

its all clear.........crystal clear.....irregularities already been straighten up, any doubts has been unfold...

no need to pity me, just say it...its more easier and help a lot

Monday, March 2, 2009

so little time i have

so many things to talk bout,
but too little time to chat,
in exactly one month... i will try to finish it..
so that ill not regretting it in the future,

but i dun know...everything seems unclear and become fuzzy..
let time goes by and we hope and we pray...

until its become true, true....